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BEATIMI is an online platform connecting all people of goodwill who would like to unite in prayer for the salvation of souls in this special time. The goal of the BEATIMI movement is to gain the whole world and all the souls for Christ through the Immaculata, Mother of God. The platform wants to be a beacon of hope for everyone, especially for those feeling lonely and anxious, bringing the light of God to all the ends of the earth.
We live in two worlds that permeate each other - the physical one - where things are easy to see, touch and feel; and the spiritual world - the world of faith and mystery - unreachable by senses, yet so much powerful and real. We can only imagine how our actions, and the way we live, influence both of the worlds. Every day counts. Every minute spent with a purpose makes a difference.
Many people in this world suffer. They feel purposeless, lonely, and lost. That's because they don't know their Heavenly Father yet. Who is there to bring them back to the Father? Who wants to be a blessing for them by praying and making sacrifices for them?
Beatimi is a place for people who know the power of prayer. Who are ready to respond and to be the spark of God's love and mercy. This is a place protected and guided by the one who is called "Kecharitomene" -- Mary, Mother of God, who is our powerful intercessor in Heaven. This is a place for those who want to listen to Jesus and are ready to respond to console His Heart. The place for warriors, who don't need to worry about anything because they know they are God's children and heirs.
Many people in this world don't know their Heavenly Father yet. They feel purposeless, lonely and lost.
Who is there to bring them back to God? Who wants to be a blessing for them by praying and making sacrifices for them?
We want to be that blessing, we want to be that beacon of God's Light, we want to be that Flame of Love!
BEATIMI is an acronym for two important missions of the Catholic Church
and its champions - the saints who strived to live that mission:
Beati means "blessed" (Latin)
Beati MI - Beati Misericordes means "Blessed are the merciful" (Latin)
Here the "MI" refers to everyone who is merciful and practices spiritual works of mercy by praying for the conversion of the souls and all the people in need, praying for the souls in purgatory, making reparations, sacrificing and offering up everything that they can for the sake of saving souls and consoling the Heart of Jesus.
Beati MI - Beati Militia Immaculata - also means "Blessed the Knights of the Immaculata" (Latin)
Here the "MI" stands for the Militia (The Knights/The Warriors) of the Immaculata - these are all the people who have a great love and devotion to Our Lady, who have consecrated their lives to Jesus through Her, who want to devote their lives to the work for the salvation of souls and who want to contribute to Her Triumph through fulfilling Her requests (see: the Fatima message). There are many groups in the world that want to live this mission but the original group - Militia Immaculata - was started by St. Maximilian Kolbe in 1917.
The "M" with a crown represents Mary, Mother of God and the Queen of Heaven and Earth.
These saints have been some of the greatest apostles of God's mercy on earth. They had a special love for Our Lord and His Mother, Mary, and they devoted their lives to her mission which is to bring all people to her Son, Jesus. Beatimi wants to continue that mission, and together with Mary and all the saints in heaven, we want to intercede for those who do not know God's merciful love yet.
(credits: Studio Siposh -